About Us
Once upon a time there lived a group of loyal, sincere, and trustworthy women. Their collective spirits sought to come to the aid of abandoned, unwanted, abused, and lost felines. They wanted to give these beautiful, if sometimes scruffy, creatures a new beginning. They showed the kitties love to heal their broken hearts, patience to learn to trust, and healing medicine to make them well. The women knew that their quest could not stop here for there were just too many kitties to care for all on their own. What were they to do? They thought and thought and thought some more. Until one day, the women realized what they were meant to be! Faerie Cat Mothers who could light the way for felines to find the homes they were meant to be in. Now, the women were filled with hope once again! They all passionately agreed they could continue to offer the once forgotten kitties something their hearts had always longed for. That is, a place to call home. Faerie Tales Cat Rescue is committed to placing felines in loving adoptive homes. Our shared vision is to help kitties and their families have their dreams come true.
We are a small, dedicated group of animal lovers who are working hard attempting to place neglected, abused, lost and otherwise homeless kitties. Our goal is to provide to as many kitties as possible, opportunities to find a loving home to call their own. We are very concerned about the ever growing over population of kitties and are diligent in our efforts to promote the spaying and neutering of felines. We are an all breed rescue and work as a no kill group. All of our foster cats are located in private foster homes as we are not a shelter. We are a very young group forming in June 2005, however all of our volunteers have years of rescue experience, countless contacts as well as a wealth of knowledge in caring for our furry four-legged companions. All of our rescues will be fully vetted, combo tested for FIV and Felv and fecal checked prior to any adoption. Additionally, all of our kitties will either be altered or a prepaid spay/neuter certificate will be required to those kittens not yet able to be altered. As with all rescues, we operate on a shoestring budget and donations are always welcome. Every penny we are able to raise is applied toward helping save one of our kitties. If you’d like to sponsor one of our furkids, view our Donations tab for easy ways to donate.
We also offer free advice to not just adopters who have adopted from us, but anyone who has questions about behavioral problems with their cats like inappropriate scratching, declawing alternatives, inappropriate litterbox elimination, biting, introducing a new cat to the house, and shy cats, just to name a few. We also have experience, knowledge, support and research to share about cats with Felv/FIV.
Our foster cats are located in our homes throughout Southern Michigan. Visits can be arranged for pre-approved adopters. If you have questions about a specific animal the foster family’s contact information is listed with that pet.