How you can help
There are many ways you can help us save lives and find the Happily Ever After Ending these beautiful creatures deserve. Earn your own set of Cat Faerie Wings by helping.
Help spread the word about our rescue. Interested in adopting, have a friend or family member who is looking for a rescue cat? Contact us so we can help find the purrfect cat for you/them! Contact us here
Like us on Face Book! Find us on Face Book to keep up to date about our events, happenings, and adoptions! The more “likes”, we get, the more you help our group be known to others and can stay connected!
We can always use Donations – Monetary, Food, Litter, Litter Pans
We are always looking for Foster Homes to provide care for the cats, until we find them a FOREVER home
Do you maybe have some Time to Help at events, crafting, or kitty transport?
We have some kitties that need to go to the vet for basic vet work. Are you available to pick up cats from our foster homes/volunteers to get them to a vet clinic for us? Of course, we will make sure this happens either way, but having a helping hand for this task helps out our foster homes who provide round the clock care for these rescue cats.
Do you have a unique toy or Craft that you think we could sell at a business? Let us know!
If any of these things sound like something that is up your alley, please let us know!
Volunteering can be fun and everyone has something to contribute which makes our group unique! Do you have a passion for helping our rescue cats in a way that has not been listed already? We would love to hear from you! Send us an email at